Hi Everyone,
I wanted to post a very quick update. I am home as of yesterday afternoon and happy to be here. Surgery was brutal and I think I did better the first time around. The unrelenting nausea I had for the first 72 hours was a result of a pain blocker my anesthesiologists were very enthusiastic about giving me. It all sounded great until we realized I’m in that 2% that gets severe nausea for 72 hours from that particular anesthesia. Really? So the hospital was rough, lots of dry heaving and general ick. I am still struggling with some nausea and it’s frustrating as well as pain to boot. Eating is generally difficult but must be done so that at the least I can take the pain pills and the antibiotic without heaving that up. Are you getting a good picture? I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty miserable and my outlook as a result is grim. I am a bit yellow in the eyes, this makes me wonder if my liver is doing alright. This is the 2nd time in less than a year my liver has undergone major surgery and I think my body is much more fatigued this time around.

I apologize to those that have tried to reach my by phone or text or email. Looking at my phone makes me queasy, not kidding so I am going to have to be MIA until that resolves. Thank you for the flowers and notes and prayers and continued support. My mother-in-law left today and she was amazing as primary caretaker of Phin and Char. Thank you to the Mom’s and babysitters that helped out this week too and showed the kids a fun time and to those that dropped off food. It was all greatly appreciated.

This is a dark kind of post but it reflects the dark kind of place I’m in. I’m just being honest. This is the pits. Sickness sucks. I know things will brighten up, I’m just not there yet.

xoxo Hilary