If you’d like to make a donation to help offset some of Hilary and Charles’s medical, treatment and travel expenses please contact either

Jen Reed at: jennicholsreed@me.com

Erin Nichols at:   http://ebuck7@me.com

For MEALS – There is a Care Calendar set up:


Security Code: 7599

OTHER IDEAS – Hilary shops at Whole Foods  Whole Foods Gift Cards, so that is a gift card option OR she and the kids like to go to Juiceland –  http://www.juiceland.com/gift-cards

She also orders supplements from Amazon, so a gift card to Amazon is also very helpful. Amazon Gift Cards

CHEMO CHEER – If you want to be a part of Hilary’s “Chemo Cheer” you can sign up to be a Cheer Captain on the CareCalendar listed above or you can email Becca Dobberfuhl at becbrudobb@gmail.com if you want to be part of a “cheer” and she can link you up with a Cheer Captain.

(Email for Hilary – hilarybsaltzman@gmail.com for electronic gift cards)