Good Morning,
A brief post – I am headed to Houston today for the day. I have a PET scan at the oh so convenient time of 6:00pm tonight. I have to be at MDA at 3:30 for blood work then check in at 4:30 for the scan. Prior to that I will meet with PA Allison from Baylor who works with my surgeon Dr. Curley to check out a pain I have been having in my abdomen to see if it’s a hernia or not.

This scan should shed light on if that spot Dr. Javle saw on the CT last week is cancer or not. Let’s hope it’s not however I am prepared for the worst. We won’t have answers for a few days.

So this past month has been pretty much of a shit show if you want my honesty. My year anniversary, my dad’s death, a scan that didn’t go like I thought it would and a recovery that hasn’t gone like I thought it would. Adjusting expectations may be a good place for me to start. With the holidays here and all that comes with it, I will give a piece of advice to you (which means I am talking to myself here) – if you’ve found yourself off track, overwhelmed, not meeting your own expectations, take a look at what you are doing day to day and ask yourself if those are all things that need to get done. Then think about one thing a day that you can do for yourself that can make you feel more grounded. A walk, half an hour reading a good book, a yoga class, cooking something you enjoy cooking, an activity with you honey or your kids that would be fun for YOU, meditation, a long phone call to a friend, a thank you note to someone, an act of kindness, write down or say in your head what you are grateful for, anything! Don’t wait until the New Year to get back on the train. Do it now so you can enjoy these holiday weeks. That’s what I’m going to try to do. I seem to be in a bit of a rip tide and I think I’ve been fighting the current way too hard. I think if I surrender to what is, I may just find I can swim to shore.

Make it a good day,