Good Afternoon!

Clia suggested I do an update as her inbox is starting to fill with inquiries.

I am very happy to report that I am doing well. I feel worlds better then I did even 3 days ago. I think I am over the initial hump of recovery in terms of pain and exhaustion. I am off the most powerful pain med, Hydrocodone. This in itself is a huge improvement because I don’t have the grogginess that goes along with that kind of medication. I still have the lovely drain tube and it’s still doing it’s thing but slowing down considerably so maybe I can get it out soon. I am walking around – had 2 outings yesterday. I am wearing normal clothing and generally if you saw me would probably think I looked pretty normal.

I still have another 9 or so days of no driving. I still need to take it easy, not lifting anything more than 10 pounds and allow myself to be waited on. As I feel better this gets harder as I am ready to start getting back to normal every day things. I do need to remember my little liver is working away at growing each day and I want to give my body all the support I can to grow healthy cells and fight off anything cancerous. Rest, low stress and lots of meditation seem to be the right direction.

Clia leaves in 2 days (SOB)!! I know her family needs her back but I swear if I could concoct a way to have her stay another week I would shamelessly do it. I love her so dearly and I don’t know how I am blessed with 2 sisters that are so darn amazing but I am, and I am not wanting to let this one out of sight. On the flip side, I am so grateful she could be here to help me, cook, shuttle kids, remind me to eat, rest and focus. It’s like having your best friend come stay with you. When Clia leaves I am always left wanting more time. Thank you Sabrina Brown for flying Clia here with miles, we are forever grateful.

The day Clia leaves, my wonderful mother-in-law arrives for a week and I am very much looking forward to her calm, very competent and loving ways to flow over the Saltzman household.

I go back to Baylor to meet with Dr. Curley on the 14th and he will go over the path report. None of this is where my head is right now. I sort of want to forget that I still have more treatment ahead and mountains to climb, but as Tara (of stage IV colon cancer, same age as me, 2 kids and had same surgery on the same day as me a year earlier and is cancer free now fame) would say, I’m going to go ahead and say it, we got all the cancer out. We (yes me and all of you) are well on our way to the victory lap. So I will do today, be in today and when the 14th roles around, I will hear what needs to be heard and make plans for what needs to come next, with the firm knowledge that I am forging ahead with my own will and intentions and they will manifest into the reality I believe in. A place where the journey is the teacher, I am the student and the cancer is the manifestation of the crisis my body was in, and no longer serves a purpose.

Tara’s very sweet mention of me in her blog:

Make it a good day,