
Eileen Rothenhausler carried and delivered my sister and brother-in-law’s baby yesterday, naturally. This is her 4th delivery – her two daughters with husband Gabriel, Olivia and Eva, and my two nephews, Henley and Baby D (waiting to be named!) This is miraculous. Thank you Eileen for deciding to embark on this journey and for knowing you could help someone and in turn bring so much happiness to so many people.

gp Steven’s Dad Gerry, girlfriend Connie and My Mom Joanne – proud grandparents

Becca and Steven have just completed their dream to be the parents of two children. This has been almost 8 years in the making. They have lost babies, one at 20 weeks and have had to make countless decisions and new plans. They have loved and supported each other on this journey to parenthood and have taught me that if you want something badly enough, you keep your heart attached to the belief that it will happen and know you will reach your destination. I have watched their unwavering belief that they would be parents and as I write this I am listening to their oldest child protest to his cousins about which show to watch. Music to my ears. Cousinhood is rich, I know this because I have amazing cousins whom I love and have grown up with and continue to be a very important part of my life.

grandparents This morning watching cartoons

dance Dance Party at the Dobberfuhls last weekend

One of the most remarkable things I’ve learned since the arrival of Henley 2.5 years ago is that a genetic link matters not at all when it comes to love. Henley and Baby D are egg donor babies with Steven being our only known biological link. Details details. These boys are ours and Becca has shown me that an open heart, despite devastating loss is what has allowed joy instead of sorrow to prevail. She never got stuck in the why me and the what ifs. That approach allowed her to be the Mama of two boys today. I am very proud of her and Steven for this.

While we are on this topic, I wanted to share that I got my first breast milk contribution a few weeks ago! About 25 ounces of days 1-3 breast milk came to me via midwife Julia Bower. One of her patients sadly lost her baby at 21 weeks due to an incompetent cervix. After she delivered she decided she wanted to donate her milk and she asked Julia how to go about this. Julia gave her all the information then let her know about my request and this angel donated the first 3 days to me. I am so thankful to her, to be so giving in the midst of her grief. I believe the Universe worked it’s magic and this all came to be because Becca and Steven lost their baby at 20 weeks due to an incompetent cervix almost 6 years ago. Thank you Julia for making this happen and to your patient to whom I send love and healing and hope that she can be a Mama again if she chooses.

I drank milk with Becca cheering me on for the first glass. I made a smoothie with almond milk, ice and protein powder. I was a little freaked out but then thought about the fact that we drink milk from cows all the time and they probably eat poop so really, how weird is this? It was pretty tasty but I have to admit I wasn’t brave enough to try it plain. I am still looking for donations of this kind so email me if you have a lead. It can be shipped to me frozen on dry ice, I will reimburse you for this.

milk milk 2

Life is rich.

xoxo Hilary