What a way to celebrate 11 years of marriage, a new member of our family made his debut today. My sister Becca and husband Steven and their son Henley welcomed a new baby boy today at 5:08pm. 8lbs 14 oz and 20.5 inches. He came into the world via gestational carrier, Eileen who carried Henley too. She naturally and quite quickly gave birth to baby D. Thank you Eileen and Gabriel for making Becca and Steven parents of two healthy boys and giving our family such joy. We are very blessed and so happy for Becca and Steven. Baby D remains nameless!

Our anniversary plans of dinner and live music took a back seat to meeting our new nephew and having nephew Henley spend the night with us while his parents stay at the hospital with their newborn.

I am so very grateful for my family, that we get to be so close for events like this and that I am healthy enough to enjoy it. I feel much better than I did yesterday and with all the excitement today I barely thought about recovery from the biopsy. No time! I am also so blessed to be celebrating 11 years of marriage to the man that has made me fall more deeply in love with him with each passing day. The last 6 months have been nothing short of surreal and full of uncertainty yet nothing is more solid then the ground I stand on with Charles. Here are lots of photos – a few of baby D and many of our wedding on Crissy Field in San Francisco on a foggy, windy day.

Nite, nite

xoxo Hilary

kids and babybec steve baby
