Sorry for 2 cheers so close to each other but for Hilary’s chemo in early June please read below:

Hello “lovers” of Hilary.

Hilary as many of you know is a hugger and a giver of love. Since she was a little kid she has always been incredibly affectionate. She gives the best, tightest, longest and most meaningful hugs. Her hugging and physically reaching out has not only continued since her diagnosis but has grown stronger and has been spread far and wide. From the nurses who take her blood, the person/s doing her scans to med students and the multiple Drs. she has encountered Hilary has hugged each and every one, many of them multiple times. Some don’t know what to do when she comes to them with a smile and open arms. They look bewildered and then they are hugging her back, some awkwardly and some not. It is a beautiful sight to see and sometimes pretty funny.
For Hilary’s chemo cheer on June 1st please take a picture of you, your partner, your kids or all of the above hugging a stranger. Any combo works. Please send to me via email, by May 26th. I will present her with her “Hugging a Stranger” compilation on June 1st. If you feel like writing where you were and how the recipient of your hug reacted when you asked or just hugged he/she that would be an added bonus.
Thanks, everyone.
Jen (Jen Reed) email: Jen Reed