Sorry it’s been radio silence. I’ve gotten a port in, had a liver biopsy, and flown to Boston to see a doctor there among other things. A big shout out to the amazing friends that came to support me in Boston. Dana, Jenny and Paige drove from Vermont, Erin came from Acton, Neil from Lexington, Dina and Patrick from Braintree and Ham and Jon from the Cape. It was such a joy to see all of you whom I love so much. I really, really, really appreciate how you made an otherwise un-fun event something fun and memorable.

Dana, Paige, Jenny and Erin all came in the room to meet Dr. Zhu in Boston with me and fired many an excellent question his way. Mass General really made us all feel welcome.

I am needing to get to bed so I will spare you all the details but tomorrow I start chemo here in Austin. I’m doing the same drugs I did last time (Gemzar/Cisplatin) and I get the treatment on day 1, day 8 and then a week off and that is one round. I will scan after two months and hope that it will work for me again to get the lymph nodes under control (as in hopefully shrinking them all away) and having some impact on the liver tumors. If things are moving in the right direction after 2 months I’ll stay on this for 4 months and then we’ll have to figure out how to target the liver tumors. Probably not surgery again. If I don’t respond to the chemo then we are probably looking at trials. I’m trying to take it one step at time because frankly the long view makes me sorta freaked out.

So, keep all those prayers coming my way, I appreciate all of them and all the love that surrounds our family.

There have been some very dark days and I want to thank you girls (you know who you are) for all the research and information gathering and energy you have given to my treatment plan and for all the love you’ve poured in my direction even when I’ve not been terribly receptive at times. The beauty of old friends is their depth and knowledge of how you operate. Still though, it’s very hard to manage one’s own grief and fear while also trying to help a friend manage their own and I have to say, my friends are so loyal and amazing in this way.

I also want to say thank you to Katharine Lord for wearing so many hats for me but at the core, for loving me so well during all this upheaval. I can’t name everyone but I am so grateful for the people that I have in my life, ALL of you. Thank you. It helps me a lot to stay focused on what I need to do.

Tomorrow is my husband’s birthday and Phin, Char and I are looking forward to a family dinner at home celebrating the man who champions us all and is the center of our universe.

Nite, Nite.

Dinner at Stella with Neil, Dana and Paige

Breakfast in Beacon Hill with Jon, Erin, Patrick, Jenny, Dana, Dina, Heather and Paige

Waiting for Dr. Zhu Hilary, Paige, Dana, Jenny and Erin