Hi Everyone,

A quick update. I got the dreaded drain out last Wednesday however lady luck does not seem to be shining on me. Hours before the drain came out, I started getting the same pain I had when we first discovered the infection. That pain has persisted the last 5 day and tonight I am running a fever which is not a good sign. Dr. Bagwell, my infection doctor is out of town this week (of course!) so tomorrow will be spent trying to get ANOTHER CT scan (honestly just keep radiating me) so we can see what’s going on. When I voiced my concern last week to Dr. Bagwell he said if the pain persists (which it has) we will have to place another drain in a slightly different area to drain whatever puss is remaining in the liver. The antibiotic can’t penetrate puss unfortunately. This means having the drain procedure with sedation then spending anywhere from one night to many nights like I did 2 weeks ago in the hospital. Depressing is one word I can come up with for this and FUCK is another.

However, what’s a girl to do? Tomorrow is my birthday and although most of it will be spent managing my latest health crisis I will try my very hardest to be joyful and present.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween. We had a great time with friends and family in our enchanted neighborhood.

My friend and neighbor Andrew Ellison lost his father unexpectedly today. Please keep him and his family in your prayers tonight.
