Today as it turns out was not the day for me to start chemo. I woke up early for my procedure (endoscopy to remove stent) and just felt like no, I am not feeling right with this today, so I’m going to go with my gut and not do it today. It felt too rushed and I don’t like rushing into things, especially when it has to do with my health.

I may go in next Monday or the Monday after that or not at all, I am still deciding. I know this seems crazy to many of you and it just may well be me being crazy but I think in all fairness to myself, I am not crazy for wanting to feel good about my decisions. Going in today felt like I was rushing towards something just because I thought I should.

The removal of the stent went well. My family got up at the crack of dawn to get me to the procedure, blankets and PJ’s for Phin and Char in the back seat. Sainted sister Becca met me there at 6:30 am to be there before and after. The people at Dr. Gagneja’s office were so very kind and I was rolling out of there by 7:30am.

That’s the latest. I am at home taking it easy per my discharge instructions and giving myself permission to just be today and not figure anything out.
