Happy Thursday – First of all thank you all to those who participated in the “Pole Dancing” cheer! So fun! Laina thank you for leading from Philly, and Kathryn Anderson you win the prize for the best pole dance!

Hilary and I went to chemo this past Monday, pushed back a bit due to Hilary’s time at the Deepak Chopra center in CA, which she and her sister-in-law Clia attended a 4 day workshop. I was particularly excited because since Wells was born I have not been able to sit with Hilary and I lined up a sitter for Wells and arranged for Henley to stay late at “school” so I could just hang with my sis. As we waited for Katharine, Dr. Fain’s PA, who we adore, we shared some tears over this crazy journey. Hilary has been so incredibly positive and strong and like we all do at times, she was having a moment of doubt and fear and feeling rattled and thrown off course. Katharine was really helpful in reminding us that Hilary is an “outliner” the rule book has not been written about her, she is writing her own story and she has a lot to be hopeful for. She has already beaten so many odds. She ended up not getting chemo on Monday, her neutrophils were too low which happens after a lot of chemo, and just as we were about to head out to perhaps a foot massage or some fun sister time, Henley’s school called to say he was sick and needed to be picked up. It wasn’t the day either of us had planned but in some weird way it was a good day and I’m so glad that I get to spend these moments with my sister. That I’m just able to be here and part of her daily life and she part of mine, it truly is a gift.

So next chemo is Aug 1 and Sara Jane (age 7) and her mom, Ashley Ellison are leading. The theme is “Jokes” and Sara Jane is making a book of Jokes up for Hilary. If you have a good joke you want to add please email to Ashley. But what Ashley really would like is a picture of your child or pet or someone dear to you laughing. Because jokes after all are to make us laugh! Ashley will make up a book of the jokes and “laughs” and present to Hilary at chemo on Aug. 1st

As always, thank you for being part of Hilary’s chemo cheer – xo becca