One more thing I forgot to put out there to the Universe. I mentioned I am working with a man in Marin County, CA and he’s given us some recommendations. He included this one and admitted it was unconventional for sure but included the data that supports it. That being said, I am looking for anyone in the Austin area that would be willing to part with some of their breast milk. Yes, you did read that correctly. More specifically, I need breast milk from the first four days of when lactation begins. So, if you know an over producer who would be willing to pump or someone that wasn’t going to nurse but would be willing to pump for 4 days, please put them in touch with me so we can chat. Then I’ll invite you all over for almond/breast milk smoothies – actually I won’t because we all know breast milk is liquid gold and I will be unable to share my stash! Seriously, this is not chemo brain talking. Here is the support for it from my advocate, if I get some I promise I will poll all of you for breast milk recipes:

This is somewhat exotic but should you have a friend or acquaintance in your
community who is open and willing, then consider fresh human milk ( (first 4 days of lactation) – as much as is available (Hamlet Project) Natural substance inbreast milk destroys cancer cells: Breast milk is documented to be
the best food possible for infants and breastfeeding is known to
have enormous health benefits for moms, too. Swedish
researchers have found that it contains a compound that kills
cancer cells in humans. The substance, dubbed HAMLET (which
stands for Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumor cells),
is comprised of a protein and a fatty acid. HAMLET was first
discovered by chance several years ago by researchers who were
investigating the antibacterial properties of breast milk. Scientists
soon began testing it on cancer cells, studies in the lab showed
that HAMLET was able to kill 40 different types of cancer cells.
Using a fluorescent red tracking substance to show the exact
location of HAMLET, the researchers clearly demonstrated that
the compound binds to the membranes of tumor cells, killing

over and out xoxo Hilary