Happy Easter! Hilary had her treatment day 1 (2 drugs) this Friday. All went well. Thank you so much to Lucy Butter who lead the cheer theme of “Choose Joy”.

We (Joanne and Bill Bruce, Hilary, Charles, Phin, Charlotte, Gerry Dobberfuhl and Connie Mack, Becca, Steven and Henley and neighbors Laney and Cooper Bevill and Tracy and Augustus Gartenmann) celebrated yesterday at Hilary and Charles’ with a lovely brunch, made by Shahnaz, and Easter egg hunt complete with confetti and silly string! Dad is out of rehab for his hip, he broke it about a month ago, and celebrated his 80th birthday April 15th. He has definitely slowed down and slept most of the day but nice to have him with us. Hilary and family flew to Hatteras, North Carolina early this morning to spend the week with several families including good friends Dana Valentine and Jenny Nichols Reed. Hilary got the green light to move her day 2 treatment (normally this coming Friday) to Monday, April 28th so they could spend this week relaxing and enjoying old friends on the beach.

The next chemo cheer will be lead by Katie Marye. The theme is “Music” and Katie is really looking forward to putting together a playlist for Hilary. She will put the songs on an iPod Shuffle along with a list of who submitted each song, and any background information you would like to provide on your selection. This is the time to reach way back to your memories of Hilary and music or music of the times, funny stories from way-back, or just a great feel-good song to help get her through her chemo day.

If you can check that your suggested song is available on iTunes would be helpful and please have the song and any stories or words you want to include with the song to Katie by Thursday, April 24th.

Hilary loves music, loves the words to songs and I know she will really enjoy this. I have so many memories or her listening to tapes in her room, making tapes and tape covers for friends, and telling me I was singing the wrong words! Have fun with this and as always please pass along to anyone who wants to participate.

Happy Easter, Happy Passover and thinking of all those runners tomorrow in Boston.

xo becca