This is where you find the facts.

IN BRIEF HIlary’s most recent diagnosis is that the cancer originated in her gallbladder and not her pancreas.  Dr Javle (MDAnderson) feels strongly that this is not pancreatic cancer but that the mass in the pancreas may actually be from a lymph node which is behind the pancreas in the scan. There is also a possibility that the origin may be bile duct but the treatment is the same. In Javle’s words “This is good news. I am optimistic that we can get this under control”. Hilary will begin her treatment tomorrow, Friday, at 9:40 with Dr Fain in Austin. The chemotherapy will be Gemzar + Cisplatin.  Additional scans and genetic tests are in progress to more fully complete the picture.

Since “the only constant in life is change” we will update this site regularly.